Breathing Exercise

Breathing is necessary to live, but the way we breathe is also extremely important because through it we can deliver more oxygenation to the blood, the head and our entire body. Breathing exercises can be used in multiple ways and with an endless number of objectives; for example to align chakras, to calm down, to cleanse and also to meditate. The exercise I present here is called “The 5-second breath” and tries to inhale through the nose for 5 seconds, hold for 5 more and exhale through the mouth for another 5. The purpose of this breathing is to work the diaphragm, lower the heart rate and connect with our present moment by putting our attention and our intention on the way we inhale the air and then exhale. If during the exercise thoughts or emotions come, you have to simply observe them and let them go, returning your attention to the now. Let’s breathe …..

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