i am Chickpeas Hamburger

You can create a hamburger of anything; of meat, chicken or in this case, of chickpeas.

The chickpea is a legume with different functions and properties. Its large amount of fiber is used for constipation, its high levels of calcium help the bones and is a favorable food for diabetics, since its great contribution of zinc, contributes to the assimilation and storage of insulin


500 grams of cooked chickpeas

1 pepper

2 onions

3 garlic cloves

coconut oil





salt and pepper to taste

Hamburger ‘bread

Grind the chickpeas in a mini-pimmer and reserve.

In a frying pan, with a little coconut oil, sauté the onion with the garlic and peppers previously cut. Add a little white wine or water and cook over medium heat until the water or wine has evaporated and the vegetables are soft. Add the ground chickpeas and stir for a while to remove all the water and shape the mixture.

For the dressing we will mix 5 tablespoons of mustard and one honey

Once the mixture is warm make the hamburgers (I like them super big and fat)

For the preparation of the dish, we will mount the bread and top we will put the dressing. Then the meat on top and those who want, about two pieces of organic cheese. Heat in the oven until the bread is hot and crispy. Remove from the oven and add the arugula, tomato and more dressing on top. Cover and enjoy

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