The addiction to negative emotions

An addiction is defined as a habit of dangerous behaviors that cannot be dispensed with or is very difficult to do because of reasons of psychological and physiological dependence.

An addiction can be created by a drug, but also by an emotion or state of mind, which we have lived for so long that it is normal and daily for us to transform into our reality.

Addiction to negative emotions is very common, but difficult to identify because it becomes habitual to live with that feeling, to the point that the body and cells are completely familiar with these emotions creating a need / addiction to these magnetic waves and peptides.

When we have been thinking negatively or through fear for a long time, the way we talk to ourselves internally is usually with phrases like “I am not capable” “what happens if it does not work” or “I am a victim of what the rest does to me”, creating in our electromagnetic field low frequencies attracting our life more of the same.

That will encourage our minds and thoughts to continue in that repetition, creating peptides of fear, rancor and anger and making our cells increasingly addicted to these amino acids and emotions.

A person addicted to fear will spend his day thinking about possible catastrophes that may happen in the future, creating a possible disaster from every situation in his life. After living his entire day like this, he will go to sleep where he will spend 8 hours in complete abstinence and wake up with the need to feel another problem to cover his addiction again. The same goes for anger or victimization, where the frequency is so low that all possible options to get angry or victimize will attract into your life, creating a vicious circle between negative thoughts, negative emotion and a negative environment.

When cells have memory they believe that living in this way is normal, creating such a strong addiction to these peptides that the person will need, just like a drug, to always return to that emotion and when it is not, a real abstinence will be created that can lead to more fear, more anger and more victimization.

When we are constantly under the feeling of fear, anger or stress, our brain begins to function under a fight or flight system, where our autonomous nervous system tells the body that we are in danger, that we must fight or flee creating in our body changes that can be very dangerous if sustained over a long period of time.

The good news is that there are mechanisms to combat this situation and they are so effective that in a few weeks these feelings will be completely eradicated from your system, changing the electromagnetic frequency that you produce as a human being, dramatically improving your thoughts, your body and your life.

When the experts understood that fear and stress came from the reptilian or limbic brain, they understood that the way to solve these traumas was through the incentive of the neocortex or 3 brain that is related to the analysis and understanding so that it communicates with the others and order them to relax because there is no danger.

The most useful tool I have found to help my clients is EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), a form of psychotherapy based on acupuncture, NLP and energy medicine.

This technique is used to work trauma, anxiety, depression among many others and the idea is to go touching the 14 key points of the body where the energy is concentrated to release chi (vital energy) transforming negative emotion into tranquility.

First a phrase is written that says “Even though (your fear, stress, trauma) I totally and completely accept myself and choose (what you want).” You will repeat this phrase while you touch each energy point.

Then to interlace this command to the left and right hemisphere, a song is hummed and counted to 5, encouraging the hemispheres, and then the phrase is repeated while you touch the 14 acupuncture points again.

The purpose of this exercise is to release the concentrated energy through these 14 points, so that the hemispheres (rational and emotional) connect and issue the order of tranquility to the reptilian brain so that it comes out of its physiological response to fight flight, healing effectively and lasting stress, trauma, fear or lack.

After a few weeks of treatment it has been shown that more than 70% of clients have seen a marked improvement in their feelings and way of thinking. This method that started in the 90s thanks to Gary Graig, is already well known and used by many therapists and psychologists for managing emotions.

As human beings are made of energy, it is very important to take care of our thoughts and emotions in order to attract positive things and experiences full of love and health to our electronic body.

The most efficient way to work the energy that we create ourselves is through meditation, breaths and visualizations so that your electromagnetic frequency vibrates high and thus we can feel, see, think and be our best version.

Would you like to know more about this method? Click below and have your free online coaching session to know more about this and other methods that will change your life forever

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